Full course description
In this course, we will learn how to make medical appointments online, what to expect during a consultation and common medical procedures like injections and blood tests, how to collect medication and make payment to complete a visit to the clinic.
- Middle Years (11 – 14 years old) and above
In this course, we will learn the multiple steps on how to complete a visit to a clinic:
- Making a medical appointment (via HealthHub app)
- Registering at the clinic
- Describe our discomfort to the doctor during consultation
- Collecting medication
- Making payment
We will also learn basic information on:
- Vaccination
- Health screening
- Social rules
- What to expect for a consultation (e.g. medical devices and tests)
- Testing on Covid-19
- Visiting the A&E Department
In this course, we will learn to recognise and recall:
- Visit a clinic for medical attention
- Identify different medical personnel
- Describe our discomfort/issue in a medical consultation with a doctor/nurse
- Make medical appointments through the HealthHub app
- Collect medication and make payment
- Ask for help from people in the clinic
- Take note of important social rules when visiting a clinic
- Identify how and when we should visit the Accident & Emergency Department in a hospital
- know what to expect when getting an injection, blood test, Covid-19 swab test
This online course is open for Pathlight School students to access.
Pathlight School students can enrol in this course after logging in to LearnforLife.sg.

Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
Offered By