
Post-school Pathways and Options

Started 11 Feb 2020


Full course description


This course provides information and resources on the relevant educational pathways, services and programmes available in Singapore to help students plan their next step in life.

This course covers four modules:

  • Possible Pathways
  • Training and Employment
  • Post-school Services
  • Post-school Programmes

This online course is open for Pathlight School students to access.

Pathlight School students can enrol in this course after signing in to


Transition Planning

 Pathlight School

Offered By

Offered by: Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
education-and-career-guidance, ecg, ihl, transitioning, transition-planning, transitioning-to-ihl, post-secondary, post-secondary-education, post-school-pathways, post-school-education, post-school-programmes, junior-college, polytechnic, ite, part-time-courses, training-and-employment, caregiver-support-and-services, adult-services, recreational-programmes, general-skills-programmes, food-and-beverages-programmes, sports-programmes, ict-programmes, music-and-arts-programmes secondary, upper-secondary,, vocational, vocational-track, vocational-senior, advanced,

Sign up for this course today.
