
Problem Box Series

Started 16 Jul 2020


Full course description


Problem Box is a collection of problems suitable for students across grade levels.

In each topic, a problem will be introduced, and students are encouraged to attempt solving the problem. The solutions are designed using a scaffolding model that incrementally provides hints, step-by-step guidance until the final answer is revealed at the end, with possible extensions to the problem.

Teachers and parents who are keen learners themselves may also find these problems interesting.

This course will cover the following topics:

  1. Magic Dice
  2. Two Shapes
  3. Five Numbers
  4. Field Trips
  5. Absent Girls
  6. Different Digits

This course is organised into six modules:

  • Magic Dice
  • Two Shapes
  • Five Numbers
  • Field Trips
  • Absent Girls
  • Different Digits

To solve a given problem

To recall the mathematical concepts embedded in each problem

This online course is open for Pathlight School students, parents, educators to access.

Pathlight School students can enrol in this course after signing in to


Dr Yeap Ban Har

 Director of Curriculum, Pathlight School

Offered By

Offered by: Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
academics, academic-bridging, math, mathematics, literacy-and-numeracy, Mathematics, Problem-box, Magic-Dice, Two-Shapes, Five-Numbers, Field-Trips, Absent-Girls, Different-Digits, addition, multiplication, fractions, subtraction, multiply, whole-number, maths, heuristics, multiples, Algebraic-expressions, sets, Venn-diagram, odd-and-even-number, simultaneous-equation, linear-equation, primary, lower-primary, upper-primary basic,

Sign up for this course today.
